Posts in Lower Leg
Shin Splints

Shin splits are a common complaint among runners and other athletes, causing pain during and after exercise. The symptoms often develop after an increase in demand, such as moving from treadmill to hill running, or increasing your distance.

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Trigger Points

Sometimes you might find a “knot” in a muscle, which feels better when you massage it. Other times, pressing into the knot causes a strange pain somewhere else. This might be a trigger point.

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Pregnancy Aches and Pains

Osteopaths treat the person, not the condition. This is no different in pregnancy, when the body is under new mechanical strains. Although there are some common patterns, we all react differently.

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Minor Sports Injuries

Some sports injuries need a little bit of help to recover, and others can be prevented before they even start.

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Aches and Pains

Sometimes we all experience vague aches and pains, and often we can just wait them out. But other times they can be more persistent, and instead of getting better, they get worse.

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Neuralgia is nerve pain, which may come from a “trapped nerve” like sciatica. Other times, it may be caused by an illness.

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Sciatica is a specific kind of leg pain. It is only caused by the sciatic nerve, and so it can only be felt along the route of the nerve. That is from the buttock, into the back of the thigh, and down the back and front of the calf.

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Chronic Pain

When pain remains after 3-6 months, we consider it to be chronic. Your osteopath’s job is to help you unpick the factors that led to it.

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