What is osteopathy?
Although osteopaths treat many conditions, most people think of us as ‘back specialists’ and back pain is what many osteopaths treat frequently. Osteopathic treatment does not target symptoms only but treats the parts of the body that have caused the symptoms. Osteopaths have a holistic approach and believe that your whole body will work well if your body is in good structural balance. Imagine, for example, a car that has one of its front wheels not quite pointing straight. It may run well for a while, but after a few thousand miles, the tyres will wear out. You can apply this example to the human body, which is why it is so important to keep the body in good balance. We use a wide range of techniques, including massage, cranial techniques (sometimes referred to as 'cranial osteopathy') and joint mobilisation and this breadth of approach allows us to focus on every patient’s precise needs.
Osteopaths assess and treat people of any age from the elderly to the newborn and from pregnant women to sports people.
Conditions we treat
The most common conditions that we treat are:
• back and neck pain
• shoulder and arm problems
• pelvis, hip and leg problems
• sports and other injuries
However, patients have found osteopathy helpful for many other conditions. If you want to find out more, we will be happy to talk to you.